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Choosing a server

General recommendations

Choose server depending on your expected amount of traffic per day. The table below will help you choose an optimal hosting plan:

Here the even traffic is meant. For example, 500K clicks per day equal about 300-360 clicks per minute. If your numbers are bigger, then look for a more powerful server. Check the Monitor tab to see traffic peaks.

You should consider the region you work with. For example, if you work with Australia, buy an Australian server.
If you work with the USA/Europe, a single geo will do the job. Amsterdam, for example.
If you work with Asia, choose a server in Singapore or Hong Kong.

Server specifications

Pay attention to processor performance, RAM, and SSD:

CPU — single thread performance matters the most. The better it is, the quicker your stats will load.
RAM — you want better RAM for huge amount of traffic and to keep the stats safe for longer. DDR4 is prioritized.
ROM (SSD/NVMe) — SSD defines how much of the statistics you can store. 1M clicks equals 2-3GB. Do not use HDD. It is preferable to use RAID1.

Servers to avoid

Unfortunately, not every company provides good service. We've made a list of the companies that we can't recommend.