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Warning: Undefined array key "HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE" in /var/www/html/check_language.php on line 6

Adspect integration

Adspect is one of the best traffic filtering services. With Adspect you can detect bots and proxy/VPN traffic.

To perform the integration, you will need to install the Adspect module on your Binom server. Filtering criteria will be exactly the same, however all stats will be visible in Binom only (not in the Adspect panel).

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Setting up Adspect

Adspect has to be installed on the same server with Binom.

Step 1

Connect to the server via SSH:

  • Connecting to the server
    • Windows

      1. Download Putty

      2. Run it, in the Host Name (or IP adress) field enter your server's IP, click Open

      3. In the new window click Yes

      4. Enter your login and password (input characters will not be shown on the screen). You can simply copy your password and paste it into Putty by clicking the right mouse button:

    • Mac OS

      1. Open Terminal

      2. Execute:

      ssh login@IP
      login — your login
      IP — IP of your server

      3. Type yes and press Enter

      4. Enter SSH password (input characters will not be shown on the screen) and press Enter

Step 2

Download the latest version of Binom by executing:

wget https://data.binom.org/binom_install.sh -O /root/binom_install.sh

Step 3


bash /root/binom_install.sh adspect

Step 4

Type 1 and press Enter. In the end you will see Done!:

Keep in mind that this will slightly increase the load on the server.

Setting up Binom

Step 1

First of all go to your Adspect profile and see what your Account ID and API key are:

Go to your campaign settings and unroll the Protection menu. Check the Adspect box and click Add account. In a new window appeared specify your Account ID и API key:

To change the account, go to Binom settings: Settings > API.

Step 2

Create the Bot rule. By using the Bot and NOT Bot rules you can define traffic as you like:

Step 3

When you turn on Adspect your JS Protection code will change, so make sure to update it.

If you select the Obfuscated option, please note that it is best that your JS Protection code does not change within any one traffic source campaign. When a new obfuscated piece of code is generated, some values may get randomized and your traffic source might deem such changes in the page code suspicious.

Adspect integration can also be used together with Click API.

Checking bot detection

Here is how you can check if your Adspect integration has been enabled.

  • — To check Adspect's primary bot filter, you can substitute your real IP with using the HTTP header.
  • — To check Adspect's Use fingerprint option (more info below), you can substitute your User Agent for one of a different browser than the one you are using (e.g., put in Mozilla Firefox UA when using Google Chrome).
Such clicks should be marked as Bot clicks in Clicklog (value of 1 in the Is Bot column).

Additional settings

Use fingerprint

This option will turn on an additional traffic filter to make your bot detection even better.

IP/ASN White-list

The IP/ASN white-list field will allow you to add the IP and ASN (Autonomous System Number) exceptions.
If your ASN ranges are not working, check if you have whois installed on your server.

Enabled tags

The Enabled tags field allows to select tags that the tracker will be checking against when determining whether the click should be considered a bot.
In the Adspect tags column on the Clicklog tab you can see the exact tag that caused the click to be considered a bot by the Adspect.

  • Adspect tags
    • Please note that not all tags indicate that the click is fraudulent or is a bot.
      Fraud — possibly fraudulent (not human) click.
      False+ — a possibility of false-positive detection.

      CLOAKMediumLowCloaking-specific Adspect filters triggered
      EXTMediumMediumCloaking-specific Adspect extended filters triggered
      BOTYesLowOpenly declared bot
      APPMediumNoClick coming from or triggered by an application
      DCHHighLowIP address belongs to datacenter, hosting company, or IP transit
      CDNHighLowIP address belongs to CDN infrastructure
      SESYesLowSearch engine spider
      GOVLowLowGovernment institution
      MILLowLowMilitary facility
      EDULowLowUniversity, college, school, or similar
      LIBLowLowPublic library
      ANONHighLowPublic proxy, VPN service, or anonymizer
      TORHighLowTor exit node
      UNKYesLowUnmapped IP address (bogon)
      RSVYesNoReserved IP address: local area network, class D, etc
      EMBEDMediumNoEmbedding detected (<iframe>, <embed>, <object>, etc)
      FAKEHighLowBrowser is faking information about itself
      DTHighNoDevTools protocol is in use (web automation or develope tools)
      AUTOYesNoWeb automation
      HWMediumMediumHighly suspicious hardware
      DATALowNoMissing or malformed fingerprint data (for POST requests)