Traffic source postback
Some traffic sources optimize campaigns internally which requires you to pass information about conversions.
How it works
Generally, here is how conversions get passed to the traffic source:
- — A traffic source uses a special token to pass their own click ID to Binom.
- — If a conversion gets registered for that click, Binom will send out a postback (S2S).
- — The postback to be sent will contain the ID that Binom had received from the traffic source.
S2S Postback setup
Binom has two places where the S2S postback could be set up:
- In Postback URL when editing the Traffic Source;
- In Advanced Settings > S2S Postback when editing the campaign.
Please note that the campaign and traffic source settings related to postbacks will be taken into account. In case there is a contradiction, the value set in the campaign will be used.
The traffic source ID is passed using {externalid}
. You can also pass other parameters in the postback link, such as {cnv_status}
for conversion status.
Available tokens
Token Description {browser_name} Name of a browser {browser_version} Version of a browser {campaign} ID of a campaign {campaign_key} Key of a campaign {campaign_name} Name of a campaign {city} User's city {cnv_currency} Currency of a conversion {cnv_status} Status of a conversion {cnv_status2} The second status of a conversion {clickcost} Cost per click {clickid} ID of a click {continent} User's continent {continent_code} Code of a continent {country} User's country {country_code} Code of a user's country {date} Date of a click {device_name} Name of a device {device_brand} Brand of a device {device_model} Model of a device {device_type} Type of a device {domain} Domain of a campaign {event1}, {event2} ... {event10} Event number (1, 2 ... 10) {externalid} External ID {ip} IP address {isp} Internet service provider {is_proxy} If proxy or not {lander} ID of a landing page {lander_num} Number of a landing page {language} User's language {lp_key} Key of a landing page {os_name} OS of a user {os_version} Version of an OS {offer} ID of an offer {offer_link} Offer link {offer_name} Name of an offer {offer_num} Number of an offer {path_name} Name of a path {path_num} Number of a path {payout} Payout {proxy} Name of a proxy {real_domain} Domain {referer} Referer of a click {region} User's region {region_code} Code of a region {resolution} Device screen resolution {rule_name} Name of a rule {status} Status of a conversion {status2} The second status of a conversion {time} Time the click happened {tName:NAME} Name of a traffic source tokens ({tName:zoneid}) {trafficsource} ID of a traffic source {trafficsource_name} Name of a traffic source {t1}, {t2}, {t3} ... {t10} Sources tokens {uclick}, {uclickhash} Service parameters {unixtime} Current server time (unix time) {user_agent} User agent {user_id} Tracker ID of a campaign owner {user_name} Name of a campaign owner {week} Week the click happened {affiliate_network_id} ID of an affiliate network {affiliate_network_name} Name of an affiliate network {campaign_group_id} ID of a campaign group {campaign_group_name} Name of a campaign group {offer_group_id} ID of an offer group {offer_group_name} Name of an offer group {lander_group_id} ID of a landing page group {lander_group_name} Name of a landing page group
Detailed information on postbacks can be found in Binom's conversion log.
ExoClick example
Let us take a look at ExoClick for a setup example:
- Specify the relevant token as External ID in the traffic source in Binom. For ExoClick, it's
- Specify
in the Postback URL of that same traffic source and use your ExoClick API key in API_ID.
Status-postback relation
Some traffic sources might require different postback links depending on the conversion status.
In that case you can enable Status-postback relation:

Specify the required conversion status in Conversion status, and put the corresponding postback link into Postback link. This setup will have Binom sending out different postbacks according to the conversion status received.
will add another status-postback pair to the list.