Binom Documentation

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  • Updates
    • How to update the tracker?

      1. Go to the Monitor tab and click Check Update

      2. New update! > Install

      Updates occur in two stages. The first is the tracker's files update. If you manually changed index.php (not through the tracker's interface), rename it back before the update. Do not close the progress bar window during the process. Wait until the files are updated and click Finish.

      3. The second stage is the tracker's database update, which starts automatically. This process can take several hours, depending on the size of your database. You can see the status of the update in the header of the tracker as shown below:

      There may be errors and the statistics may disappear, but don't mind it. Everything will get back to normal after the update is complete. There's no need to stop your traffic during the update, however, do not load heavy reports, refresh the costs, or clear the campaigns.

      Don't forget to clean your browser's cache and cookies when the update is complete.

  • Log in / Authorization
    • Error 102

      You should specify a domain that hosts your tracker in the License section of your account.

      If domain is specified, check the server_name parameter in the virtual host settings of your web-server. It should look like this:

                        server_name your_domain;

    • Error 105

      It means that your domain hasn't been added to the server yet. Please write to our support team if you added the domain more than 24 hours ago.

    • Error 106

      Your server cannot send a request to our authorization server. Check your network and DNS settings (/etc/resolve.conf).

    • Error 107

      This error occurs if you changed the tracker's files somehow. For example, changed the server, domain, subfolder, etc.

      Please write to our support team.

    • Error 108

      This error occurs when you fail to input correct login credentials 6 times in a row. If you are not the only user, please contact the administrator to have your login/password changed.

  • Redirects Cloaking

    Cloaking is an optimization method when different users are shown different versions of a page. Binom has distribution rules to manage it. (more...)

    You can use third-party cloaking systems, like Magic Checker, which is integrated in Binom (Campaigns > Edit > Integrations). (more...)

  • Backup
    • Can I carry all the tracker settings and the statistics from one server to another?

      Yes, but it works only if you carry them to new MySQL/Percona 5.7. The whole process can take up to 24 hours, so just write to our support team, and we'll help you. It's absolutely free.

      In order to carry the database, you need to install the same version of the tracker with the same database name on a new server.

      The following method carries all MySQL databases at once. Only the new databases will work on the new server, and you won't be able to merge them with the old ones.

      • How to

        Let's make things simple:

        server1 — a server you carry databases from
        server2 — a server you carry databases to
        folder1 — a folder on server1 that you need to create (for example mkdir /root/mysql)
        folder2 — a folder on server2 that you need to create (for example mkdir /var/lib/mysql_backup)
        /folder1 and /folder2 must not be the real paths of your current MySQL files.

        1. Install xtrabackup:

                              apt-get install percona-xtrabackup-24

        You can check the officialinstallation manual. To put it simply:

                              wget$(lsb_release -sc)_all.deb
                              dpkg -i percona-release_latest.$(lsb_release -sc)_all.deb
                              apt-get update
                              apt-get install percona-xtrabackup-24

        2. Install Screen:

                              apt-get install screen

        3. To create a backup, you need at least the same amount of space as taken by all your MySQL databases. You also need some space to create an archive, which you'll carry to another server.
        Usually there is no extra space, so perform backup to a remote server. To do this, install SSHFS on the server you carry databases from:

                              apt-get install sshfs

        4. Execute the following to mount a folder:

                              sshfs username@server:/folder2 /folder1
        (for example sshfs root@ /root/mysql)

        5. Make sure there is no traffic coming to the tracker. Or just stop nginx:

                            service nginx stop

        6. Create a new session in Screen:

                              screen -S "Binom_backup"

        Execute the following to start the backup process:

                              innobackupex --no-timestamp --user=root --password=PASS /folder1
                              innobackupex --no-timestamp --user=root --password=PASS --apply-log /folder1

        PASS — MySQL root password
        (for example innobackupex --no-timestamp --user=root --password=PASS /root/mysql
        innobackupex --no-timestamp --user=root --password=PASS --apply-log /root/mysql

        Depending on the database size, the backup can take from 5 minutes to several hours. If your session stops for some reason, the backup won't be cancelled. You can get back to the session by executing:

                              screen -r "Binom_backup"

        7. Stop MySQL on a new remote server and replace the database files with the backup files:

                              service mysql stop
        mv /var/lib/mysql /var/lib/myslq.old
        mv /folder2 /var/lib/mysql chown -R mysql:mysql /var/lib/mysql
        (for example service mysql stop
        mv /var/lib/mysql /var/lib/myslq.old
        mv /var/lib/mysql_backup /var/lib/mysql
        chown -R mysql:mysql /var/lib/mysql

        8. Now your MySQL root password of server2 is the same as of server1, and you need to change it:
        — Open the system.php file in the tracker folder (the default path is /var/www/binom/configuration/system.php)
        — Find a line with $this->password=
        — Change the old MySQL password
        — Save changes

        9. Execute:

                              service mysql start
        mysql_upgrade -uroot -p -f

        10. Restart MySQL:

                              service mysql restart

        11. Carry the key.cpatools file from the old server to the new one:

                              scp /var/www/binom/configuration/key.cpatools 

        12. Unmount the remote folder (execute on the old server):

                              fusermount -u /folder2
        (for example fusermount -u /root/mysql)
        Check your new tracker.