Binom Documentation

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Main settings

Click Settings in the upper right corner to open Binom settings.

Tracking links

Click URL

A link for your landing pages. (more...)

Postback URL

A postback link template to specify for affiliate networks. (more...)

Tracking pixel URL

A script to use Conversion Pixel. The OPTIONAL values may remain unchanged. (more...)


Here you can change your login and password, as well as email address and timezone. Just specify a new value and click Save. If you change timezone, the statistics will adjust accordingly.


Here you can set up statistic parameters. Keep in mind that these settings are individual for every user.

User session (s)

A time after which you will have to log in to the tracker again.

Unique period (s)

A time after which clicks can be registered as unique again.

Instant unsub. period (s)

A time during which unsubscribed users will be registered as instant unsubs. (more...)

With-traffic filter min. clicks

Minimum number of clicks for the With-traffic filter.

Remember groups in reports

Memorize report sorting.

IP anonymization (GDPR)

An internal solution for hiding IP addresses. Only for European clicks.

No-Cookie Mode (GDPR)

Disable cookie files for European users. You will be able to manage them via the uniqueness rule and Smart Rotation feature.

Conversion Logs

Save conversion history. (more...)

Table style

Set up the way your tables look like.

Second sorting, column

A column for second sorting in the reports.

Second sorting, type

Ascending or descending second sorting.

Table vertical line

Vertical lines in tables.

Disable shortcuts

Disable hotkeys.

Hide SFTP Editor

Hide the Files tab.

Stats → Columns

Click Columns to srart customizing report columns. You can sort, hide, rename them, and add yours.


Column name.

View on pages

Tabs to add columns to.


Column formula.

Click the Edit icon next to the column you need to edit.

Here you can rename the column, select the number of decimal places and data format, as well as specify tabs to add this column to. Check the Attached only for campaign groups box to add your column to certain campaign groups.

To create a column, click Add custom column down below. You can add your own formula in the Formula field:

Total scheme has the following available options for totals in your custom columns: None (no total), Sum (sum of all values), Average (average of all values), Smart (using overall total values in the column formula).

To learn about Status scheme settings, check the E-commerce and subscriptions article.

LP Protect

Your landing page hiding code. (more...)

In the Meta-refresh settings section you can find the referrer hiding settings. They will automatically added to every new campaign.

Default hide referrer

Referrer hiding type.

Meta-refresh default domain

A meta refresh domain.

LP live time (s)

Number of seconds after which your landing page will hide from a visitor (when using LP Protect).


Your API key to work with Binom API.


Export settings from one Binom tracker to the newly-installed one. You can also import settings from the Voluum tracker. (more...)

URL Customization

Customize Binom links. (more...)


Two-factor authentication setup. (more...)


Set up Binom notifications. (more...)


Delete the statistics. (more...)